Christian Newby

Artist Christian Newby lives and works in London & Madrid.

Christian often utilises the form of the body and vivid colour in his work, negotiating the spaces between fine art & domestic interior object.

The materials & techniques he uses span across fabric, carpet, screen printed photographs and watercolour. Marbling, textile pattern, pillar painting & collage.

Speaking with Dazed Digital he said:

“Lately I think the most direct influences are those within my direct environment.  Mostly things within a domestic setting.  This isn’t intended as a egoistic approach but more to anchor the ideas to something that doesn’t just exist within the realm of speculation but of my habits and movements and ways of viewing and interacting with the world around me.”

This interest in day to day spaces and the objects that inhabit them makes Christian’s work particularly appropriate for the initial set of six Austin Austin drawings.

He received his B.A. in Sculpture and Extended Media at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2002, followed by an M.F.A. at Glasgow School of Art in 2009. He is currently studying a Phd at Kingston University.