All of our products are certified Organic by the Soil Association to full COSMOS standards.
This means that our Organic ingredients are traced back to the fields where they were grown without the use of added pesticides, making for healthier soil and more wildlife. Organic certification is a guarantee that at every stage thought and care is given to reducing environmental impact.
Organic crops are up to 60% higher in antioxidants compared to non-organic. They also have a higher count of vitamins, mineral salts, essential fatty and amino acids which are crucial for skin-cell function and repair.
The principle of taking better care of the soil, our environment and ourselves by choosing Organic food and products is close to the heart of Austin Austin. Richard has been registered with the Soil Association since 1979.
The Soil Association
The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by a group of people who were concerned about the health implications of increasingly intensive farming systems following the Second World War.
Today, the Organic movement is worldwide. Every business participating is highly audited and checked, ensuring the high standards and principles of Organic farming and manufacture are upheld.
You can find out more here:
All of our products are vegan apart from the body cream.
After extensive product development and (people) testing, we found we couldn’t make a certified Organic cream with the same efficacy without adding a small amount of beeswax.
It is our intention going forwards that we will make everything vegan that we possibly can without compromising on performance.